What's up in 2015?

Well there goes another year (almost), but this time I've done things! I've finally healed almost completely from the horrible damage working at the bank did to me (both to my physical and mental health) and I'm finally able to create without having a mental break down. So as of January 2015, I'll be moving my website to this ikkle blog here. I just don't see the point of having them as separate things. I'm also going to have a Patreon for my webcomic (yay) and I'll try to do one of those 1 sketch a day for 30 days challenge. I mean I sketch almost everyday... but most of those sketches stay in the confine of the bottom of one of my drawers. Until 2015 hits the clock (or something like that) I might post a few old sketches and doodles. and by old I mean.. stuff I drew 10 years ago or even older (eek). Anyway, as of January, I'll be more present on the internets than I've been in the past few years.



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